Sunday, 11 February 2007

Hot Buns - Bun in 90 seconds

Camcorders lying in cupboards are a waste of atoms AND electrons. So this afternoons bakeathon needed to be documented, speeded up, and shared with the world.

Here is the recipe:

5g fresh yeast (or about half a 7g packet of dried)
400 grams of water (or 400ml - its the same thing)
150g of Strong wholemeal flour
450g of Strong white flour
about 5g of salt
15g of olive oil (not your good stuff, just olive oil)

Mix everything in a bowl, knead for 10 mins, rise as a single lump for an hour, then proceed as shown in the video, raising the individual buns for about 30-45 mins depending on how warm your kitchen is.

Bake at 220C for 12 - 16 mins

(based on a truncated version of a recipe in the excellent BREAD MATTERS: The State of Modern Bread and a Definitive Guide to Baking Your Own by Andrew Whitley)

UPDATE - Dale over at embedmyvideo has been kind enough to put this up for video of the week. Go look!

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